New National Certification
News Update: February 27, 2024
Thanks everyone for your patience as the national processes become finalized. The tools to assess competencies in the national process have been refined and will be piloted this spring, i.e. the new multiple choice exam and the interview questions. Once this is done and refined, the national certification will begin. The target date right now is to start assessing new applications for certification at the national level in September.
What this means for the 5 certifying provinces is that we will continue to certify new CCDPs until late summer under the current processes. In Ontario, we will accept new applications for certification until national certification is open.
Recertification will continue in the 5 provinces until national certification begins. We anticipate that we will continue to recertify those of you who are up for recertification until at least September. Specifically, those who are from 2015, 2018 and 2021 are due to recertify in 2024. By certifying before national starts you will be certified until December 31, 2027, and that date will be honoured by the national body. If you’re not sure when you certified, drop us a note at and we can tell you when you are due to recertify. Hint: the date is on the bottom left hand corner of your certificate.
There are still a few outstanding CCDPs who were due to be recertified in 2023. If that is you, please let us know if you are still wanting to keep your designation or we will remove you from the database. You will not be able to be legacied over to national if you are not in good standing. We will keep you informed as we get more detailed information from the national body.
News Update: October 31, 2023
Update on National Certification Dates
If you are already certified and have maintained your certification through re-certification every three years, you have the opportunity to move over (be legacied) to national certification without having to requalify. The timeline as we understand it, will be from January 2024 to end of April 2024.
This timeline will include messaging from the national body that will be sent to all of you, possibly starting as soon as December 2023 or January 2024. Specific dates may be slightly altered until all the processes are finalized, but the key is, once started, there will be a finite period in which to do this (probably a window of about 3-4 months).
- CDPCBO will send you instructions from the new national certifying body outlining the processes and asking you to submit a request to transfer your certification over
- The process will include you providing some basic information (e.g. certification number and date, etc.).
- You will sign off that you agree to the national body confirming your status with us at CDPCBO
- CDPCBO will provide that information, such as your certificate number and date for recertification, to the national body,
- For recertification after transferring over, your current date for renewal with us will transfer as well (e.g. if you were due to recertify Dec 2025, it will remain the same)
- For those of you up for recertification this year (2023), please make sure to get your application for recertification into us as soon as possible. That is people who certified in the years 2020 and 2017.
- For those up for recertification in 2024 (from years 2015, 2018 and 2021), please get your recertification application into us early in the new year, preferably by end of January 2024. That gives us time to recertify you and transfer you over to national.
- We do not know what the fees for transfer will be but have been assured they are to be kept as low as possible to cover the administrative costs for literally thousands of CCDPs from Ontario, BC, Alberta, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to be “legacied” over.
Please note: If you do not wish to become nationally certified, your certification with us will end at the time you need to recertify. CDPCBO will no longer certify CDPs in Ontario after end of April 2024.
If you are not currently certified as a CDP in Ontario, and would like to become certified, you have two choices.
- You can choose to certify in Ontario, and then be transferred over to national as outlined above for CCDPs.
- Or, you can wait and certify under the new procedures with the national body. National certification for new applicants (not already CCDP) is expected to begin in April or May 2024 (after all CCDPs have been legacied over).
If you wish to certify in Ontario, and then be transferred over to national, there is a finite amount of time to do so. You will need to send in your completed application package to CDPCBO by the end of March 2024. That will give us time to complete your assessment, certify you and for you to apply to transfer over to the national certification.
For all of you, CCDPs and CDPS, we will continue to keep you informed as we get more information. You can reach us a if you have any questions
News Update: June 12, 2023
Hello CCDPs,
In case you don’t already receive the very interesting updates on our field from the Canadian Career Development Foundation, we wanted to share the latest issue with you.
You will see an update on national certification that is so important for us, along with updates on the national initiatives under the Canadian Career Development Centre, and a great resources gateway from Manitoba. Our move as a profession to national recognition is very exciting.
See below for their message …

A Message from Our ED |

UPDATE: National Certification for Career Development Professionals (CDPs)
The Supporting Canadians to Navigate Learning and Work (2018-2021) project undertook to build on the foundation of the original Canadian Standards & Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners (launched in 2001) by co-creating the following bilingual assets with Career Development Professional (CDPs) across the country.
Sector Spotlight |

A Big THANK YOU from the Career Development Professional Centre
Since its official launch in January, the Career Development Professional Centre (CDPC) has been up to a lot, thanks to you! Here are some highlights:
- Great progress has been made on mobilizing our new Competency Framework, National Profile, Code of Ethics, and associated resources – and toward launching national certification (see the Executive Director’s Message for details!),
- Foundational training on the career development process has been…
We Found This for You |
Manitoba Association for Career Development (MACD) is pleased to announce the launch of a new Career Development Resource Gateway created for career development professionals (CDPs)!
Click here to find out more about this new resource.
News Update: April 25, 2023
Dear Ontario CCDPs,
With so much happening on the Career Development scene, we thought we’d share what information we have.
National Certification
As we told you in our last message, National Certification is moving ahead. Nova Scotia CDA has taken the lead to create the processes for both moving provincially certified CCDPs over to the national designation, but also the processes for those applying for certification for the first time.
As a CCDP in Ontario, if in good standing, you will automatically be offered the opportunity to be certified nationally without having to requalify, i.e., do the national exam and interview process. We still anticipate this process will start by the end of this calendar year. As soon as we have a firm date for that “legacy” process we will inform you immediately.
At present, the new national body is being established along with all the necessary fiduciary and legal processes needed for this body. Until that process is completed, the national process will not begin. There is a national committee doing that work at the present. Again, once we know more, we will inform you.
As mentioned before, if you have your certification up-to-date, whatever your next re-certification date is for CDPCBO will be honoured by the national body. Those of you re-certifying this year (2023) will be certified until 2026. This means those who were first certified in 2017 and those in 2020 need to re-certify with us, CDPCBO, by the end of this calendar year. Check the date on the bottom left-hand corner of your latest certificate to see if you are due to re-certify this year.
For those of you who will be up for recertification on in 2024, (certified or re-certified 2018 and 2021) you can apply for re-certification before the end of 2023 if you already have accrued your 60 hours of relevant professional development. That would ensure you are certified until 2026 before national certification comes into effect. If in doubt, please reach out to us at
Future of CDPCBO
Thank you to so many of you who responded to our survey late in 2022 about what direction you would like us to go in once national certification is established. Your Board of Directors, Advisory Committee and a specially formed Sub-Committee of Ontario CCDPs are still working on next steps. We are having a strategic planning meeting in June to review more research and analysis that is being done on the viability of transforming to an Ontario-wide professional association for all CDPs representing all sectors. We will keep you informed of our findings and recommendations so that you can be involved in the ultimate decision making through voting.
We anticipate there will still be a small role for the first year or so of national certification in getting everyone moved over, as well as, providing guidance and training to those applying for national certification as new CCDPs.
National Training Pilot for CDPs under the Career Development Professional Centre (CDPC)
The CDPC has started the pilot national foundational training for CDPs across the country. Between April 1 and June 20 over 350 CDPs will have been trained in the career development processes and skills foundational to our work, no matter our particular role or position title. The training is intended for those who are newer to the field and/or who have had little opportunity for training.
The first session of five in Ontario is already underway in Chatham. The session in Durham region starts in just over a week and had over 60 applicants for 20 spaces. The sessions in Sudbury and Thunder Bay both still have seats available, so if you have colleagues who would be interested, please encourage them to apply. The fifth session is for CDPs funded under ISAT and is over subscribed. The following link leads to a flyer about the training that can be shared:
Once the pilot program is finished the training will be finalized and then be available to all CDPs across the country, free of charge, completely on-line.
Hope this message finds you all well and thriving.
Article Below Published February 9, 2023
What does this mean for you?
This year marks the beginning of our move toward national certification of Career Development Practitioners.
We’re here to give you important information on timelines, process, etc., whether you are already an Ontario CCDP or considering to become certified over the next 11 months.
As you know, much work has been done since 2018 in the development of the new CDP Competency Framework and Profile and the new national Code of Ethics. As one of five provinces currently certifying CDPs, we have been working with our colleagues in Nova Scotia, who are taking on the responsibility of national certification, to develop the process for moving our CCDPs over to national certification. There will be much more information coming out over the next few months but we wanted to give you some touchpoints to consider.
If you are already certified and have maintained your certification through re-certification every three years, you have the opportunity to move over (be legacied) to national certification without having to requalify. The timeline as we understand it, will be from April 2023 to end of December 2023.
This timeline will include messaging from the national body that will be sent to all of you, possibly starting as soon as April. Specific dates may be slightly altered until all the processes are finalized, but the key is, once started there will be a finite period in which to do this (probably a window of about 6 months).
- CDPCBO will send you instructions from the new national certifying body outlining the processes and asking you to submit a request to transfer your certification over
- The process will include you providing some basic information (e.g. certification number and date, etc.).
- You will sign off that you agree to the national body confirming your status with us at CDPCBO
- CDPCBO will provide that information, such as your certificate number and date for recertification, to the national body,
- For recertification after transferring over, your current date for renewal with us will transfer as well (e.g. if you were due to recertify Dec 2025, it will remain the same)
- For those of you up for recertification this year (2023), please make sure to get your application for recertification into us as soon as possible. That is people who certified in the years 2020 and 2017.
Please note: If you do not wish to become nationally certified, your certification with us will end at the time you need to recertify. CDPCBO will no longer certify CDPs in Ontario after December 2023.
If you are not currently certified as a CDP in Ontario, and would like to become certified, you have two choices.
- You can choose to certify in Ontario, and then be transferred over to national as outlined above for CCDPs.
- Or, you can wait and certify under the new procedures with the national body. The national certification procedures are to be piloted twice this fall (Sept-Dec) and then national certification for new applicants (not already CCDP) is expected to begin in early 2024.
If you wish to certify in Ontario, and then be transferred over to national, there is a finite amount of time to do so. You will need to send in your completed application package to CDPCBO by the end of October 2023. That will give us time to complete your assessment, certify you and for you to apply to transfer over to the national certification.
For all of you, CCDPs and CDPS, we will continue to keep you informed as we get more information. You can reach us a if you have any questions.