Become a Certified
Career Development

Career Development Practitioners Certification Board of Ontario (CDPCBO)
Providing certification to Career Development Practitioners in Ontario.


SEPTEMBER 24, 2024 12 – 1:30 PM EDT

Our Annual General Meeting will be held to review the past year, look forward to the upcoming year and vote on the motion to change our incorporation and business name to Career Development Professionals of Ontario, CDPOntario. To register for the virtual event REGISTER HERE

This link will take you to our Events calendar where you can register for the event being held on zoom. There is no cost to attend. You must be a Certified Career Development Practitioner in Ontario, in good standing, to attend.  Closer to the event you will receive a zoom link.


  • Introduction of Directors and Advisory Committee members
  • Approval of minutes from 2023 AGM
  • Review of activity 2023-2024
  • Approval of Year End Finances for 2023-2024
  • Approval of Projected Budget for 2024-2025
  • Guest Speaker from Canadian Career Development Foundation with an Update on National Certification and the Move over for Ontario CCDPs
  • Discussion of the motion to change incorporation and business name for the new professional association
  • Voting on the motion to change our incorporation to a provincial professional association with the name Career Development Professionals of Ontario, and business name of CDPOntario.budget for 2023-2024 fiscal year

The minutes from the 2023 AGM are attached as are the year end Financial Statement and budget for 2023-2024 fiscal year, and projected budget for 2024-2025, and an annual report on what activity has happened since last year and what is projected. The Board of Directors and Advisory Committee members look forward to engaging with you, our members, in a fulsome discussion of the future of Career Development Practitioners in Ontario and Canada. We are very grateful for your ongoing commitment to the profession through the maintenance of your certification.

This meeting and the voting process on our new incorporation is very important. Under the laws governing incorporation of not-for-profit organizations, we must have two thirds of our members giving assent to the change. At our last AGM you gave your assent to becoming a professional association and this is the last legal step we must take. That means we need at a minimum 260 votes in favour. Please fill in the voting card (see link below) if you cannot attend the meeting. Thanks for your help in making this work!

Also linked here is the VOTING CARD If you are unable to attend on-line, please fill out the form to complete your votes by September 17, 2024. 

P.S. attendance at the AGM can be counted towards continuing education credits for re-certification!

As we cease certifying in the new year, CDPCBO will change our incorporation to become a professional association for all CDPs working in Ontario, whether or not they have chosen to become certified. The new organization is called Career Development Professionals of Ontario and will use the acronym, CDP Ontario. We will be voting on this at the AGM September 24, and will continue to remind you of the importance of voting as we need a large number of votes to make this change with the national incorporation body. Even if you register to attend the AGM please go ahead and vote in advance. That way if you get called away, need to see a client, etc. we will still have your vote. During the AGM you can then answer the voting poll with already voted.

Throughout the fall we will be holding Community Consultation Sessions across the province to talk about the professional association. If you are interested in getting involved, helping us set up a consultation in your area, or just learning more about the benefits of belonging to a member-based Ontario organization, please contact [email protected]

We will be holding an in-person Consultation in London at Pathways September 18 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Refreshments provided. Come and join the discussion and help us move forward. Contact Lorraine Katanik to register at [email protected]

In this issue:

  • Update on Ontario Certification for CDPs
  • Update on the move to being an Ontario Professional Association
  • CDPC Newsletter with updates on National Certification
  • Toronto Star article on importance of a National Careers Strategy
  • Link to Challenge Factory

Update on Ontario Certification for CDPS
CDPCBO will continue to certify practitioners in Ontario as CCDPs throughout the fall. The national certification is getting closer but will not fully start for new applications until the end of 2024. This fall will start the process of CCDPs in the five certifying provinces, including Ontario, to be legacied over to national certification. While that happens for three to four months, we will continue to certify.

If you want to become certified as a CCDP and prefer the narrative, reflective approach to demonstrating your competencies, you still have time. Here is the link to all the information on the application process.
Application Package – CDPCBO

Courses for the mandatory Ethics and Career Development theory requirements for certification are offered this fall. Here is the link for more information and to register. Next course, Ethics September 18.
Events from September 24 – November 6 – CDPCBO

Update on move to becoming an Ontario Professional Association for CDPs
As we cease certifying in the new year, CDPCBO will change our incorporation to become a professional association for all CDPs working in Ontario, whether or not they have chosen to become certified. The new organization is called Career Development Professionals of Ontario and will use the acronym, CDPOntario. Throughout the fall we will be holding Community Consultation Sessions across the province. If you are interested in getting involved, helping us set up a consultation in your area, or just learning more about the benefits of belonging to a member-based Ontario organization, please contact [email protected]

We will be holding an in-person Consultation in London at Pathways September 18 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Refreshments provided. Come and join the discussion and help us move forward. Contact Lorraine Katanik to register at [email protected]

Career Development Professional Centre, CDPC newsletter
Here is a link to the latest newsletter from CDPC. There is a full update on national certification that may be of interest to you. We encourage you to subscribe to this newsletter to keep abreast of this next big step in our profession nationally.
CDPC Highlights – August 2024 | Faits saillants du CEDC – d’août 2024 (

Toronto Star Op Ed on a National Careers Strategy
In case you missed it, here is a link to the terrific article by Candy Ho and Taryn Blanchard that presents the case for a national careers strategy and more investment in Career Development.

Challenge Factory
If you do not already subscribe to Challenge Factory, here is the link. They are doing amazing work on the future of work, of raising awareness of career development issues and have already made great inroads into shining the light on the importance of career development.
Home | Challenge Factory

Update on National Certification

 Thanks everyone for your patience as the national processes become finalized. The tools to assess competencies in the national process have been refined and will be piloted this spring, i.e. the new multiple choice exam and the interview questions. Once this is done and refined, the national certification will begin. The target date right now is to start assessing new applications for certification at the national level in September…

A Message from the CDPC

Calling all managers, leaders, supervisors throughout career development / employment services sector. Your voice matters – help us help you better!

CDPC Newsletter

Below is a link to the Career Development Professional Centre (CDPC) newsletter. There is some great info on there about ChatCDP groups and other resources. We encourage you to subscribe so you can receive these news updates directly. It is a great national community of practice. Check it out…

When you throw a rock – even a small pebble – in a pond, it has an effect. And that effect goes beyond the point of impact where the rock hits the water. Every rock or pebble thrown in the pond also creates ripples and you never know how far those ripples might travel. So don’t underestimate the potential ripple effect of even a small action that you might commit to doing. So think about throwing a rock, a pebble… or maybe a boulder in the pond. If enough of us do it, our rocks might actually start to build upon each other and become stepping stones leading us to new heights as a profession.

~ Sareena Hopkins, Canadian Council for Career Development

What is CDPCBO?

“As a certified Career Development Practitioner, your expertise and experience will be formally recognized and, as others join you, Career Development will be recognized as a rigorous field that creates value for individuals, employers, communities, our province and our country.”
Sareena Hopkins, M.Ed., GCDF, Executive Director, CCDF, Chair CCCD

Career Development Practitioners’ Certification Board of Ontario (CDPCBO) is a not-for-profit corporation established in 2014… Learn More

Become a Certified CDP

Certification is a formal recognition of CDPs’ skills, knowledge and experience… Learn More

Watch our 35 minute information session to learn more about CDPCBO certification…. CDPCBO Information Session

Need help preparing your application? Watch our Application Instructional Videos.

Application Workshops – we are currently scheduling application workshops for 2024. Please refer to the Events Calendar.

Find a Certified CDP

Search our Directory for Ontario CCDPs.  You can search by first or last name as well as by city or town. Start Here